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Frequently Asked Questions (From My Open House)

WHO is this party for?

Ollie Grcich, but some might say it’s for her parents, Joey and Lesley Grcich.

WHY is this party happening?

Ollie graduated high school and is leaving to be an exchange student, also it’s an excuse to blast music and dance into the night.

WHERE is she going?

Barlad, Romania! Which is in the Vaslui County on the Barlad River. She is 28 miles from the border of Moldova! And then she’ll go to college, but she has no idea where she will be going!

WHAT is Ollie going to be doing in Romania?

Taking a gap year by participating in a cultural immersion! She’ll be spending her time being a student at a highschool in her city, while being an ambassador for the United States through Rotary Youth Exchange!

WHEN is Ollie leaving for her exchange?

September 3rd and she’ll be back early July!

HOW is anyone going to survive without the love and joy Ollie brings?

She can not answer that, she is wondering that herself.

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