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Altered Truth or Tell-All-Tale

By the time I get home from school it’s 7 pm. And when I wake up to go to school it’s 10 am. The time before and after school is not optimal time for writing for this blog. I’m either not awake enough to form coherent sentences or I’m too burnt out from a day of trying to understand this world around me to write anything down. The optimal time for writing is that window when I’m at school. Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to bring my laptop with me to school. Or maybe I can, but it would be no use, as there’s no wifi. Not even the teachers carry around computers with them. Everything is done by writing with paper and pen, even the grades. It all feels very nostalgic, but a time way before me, as I’m still a 2000 baby. But, fortunately, I have lots of time to pass as the school day goes on. My school isn’t taking any marks for me. So I spend my day writing, reading, playing crosswords, staring, trying to understand, watching pre downloaded videos, and then repeating it all over again the next hour. Already it feels very monotonous. But, if I didn’t do these things, and was forced to just sit there, I surely would end up doubling over and dying right at my desk. What an awful experience for my classmates, seeing their new American classmate dying right next to them due to boredom. It would be quite the story. Anyway, what I guess I’m trying to get at is that I have time to write during school. Sadly, it can’t be on this computer, but in the journal my mother gifted me before I left. In it, I’m able to be as dramatic as possible, which is a relief. I’m able to then transfer those thoughts already written out with pen into my blog. Where I can filter out the parts that might overly concern those back home or offend anyone here. Cause I can promise you, this exchange has not gone the way I thought it would, and I have made sure the pages of my journal have been familiarized with that. Maybe it’s a good thing that I have to write down my initial thoughts in a safe space and then edit what I put out to the public. It could save a lot of face that way. Or maybe it’s a bad thing, maybe I should spew exactly what I’m thinking into the void for anyone to hear. Because I’m an emotional and sensitive being, and maybe someone can relate to that. Maybe some other exchange student will be able to feel like someone understands what they’re going through, some sort of camaraderie. Who knows. I guess we’ll see what I do. For now, this is all I have to say. So I guess, be prepared, either for a slightly altered truth or a tell-all-tale of my exchange.

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